For example, a lesbian may have exclusively sexual attraction to a woman and not consider a romantic and spiritual relationship with a woman. Since recently the concept of sexuality has become much broader than before, and society has learned about the existence of asexuals, aromatics, pansexuals, etc., the term “lesbian” has become more blurred. Who are lesbians?Ī lesbian is a biological woman who is attracted to romantic and sexual relationships exclusively with biological women. To get to know yourself better, we suggest taking this “Am I lesbian quiz?”, which can help in deeper self-knowledge. Many girls and women ask the question “am I a lesbian?”, even if they have a heterosexual orientation. If at the beginning of the 21st century minorities were designated with the help of 4 letters LGBT, then by the 20s this abbreviation expanded, taking into its circle less obvious representatives of non-traditional orientation. However, clear terms began to appear only in recent decades, the development of the Internet has brought a lot of new things, including this lesbian quiz. Confirmation of this can be found in historical sources, as well as imprinted in art objects.
Despite the division of orientation into traditional and non-traditional, both existed before our era.